Research and contribution


If you are doing research using Jet, please cite our paper:

Trevor Vincent, Lee J. O’Riordan, Mikhail Andrenkov, Jack Brown, Nathan Killoran, Haoyu Qi, and Ish Dhand. Jet: Fast quantum circuit simulations with parallel task-based tensor-network contraction. 2021. arxiv:2107.09793

We are always open for collaboration, and can be contacted at


Jet is an open-source library, with the up-to-date code available on GitHub:

We welcome contributions - simply fork the Jet repository, and then make a pull request containing your contribution. All contributers to Jet will be listed as authors on the releases.

We also encourage bug reports, suggestions for new features and enhancements, and even links to cool projects or applications built on Jet.


If you are having issues, please let us know by posting the issue on our GitHub issue tracker.

Sometimes, it might take us a couple of hours to reply - please be patient!